My daughter, Mishel, works with preschool aged children. She loves to engage them in unconventional ways. She says that little people are very fascinated with soft textiles that have different textures. Last year, she found a photo of little owl-shaped bean bags and asked if I thought it possible to make her a few for her classroom. This is what I came up with...
I had some lovely pieces of vintage chenille in my fabric stash. I drew the cute little owl shape on a plain piece of paper, cut it out (once I was happy with the proportions) and then used the cutout as a pattern on the chenille, cutting two of each color. Then, from my felt stash, I cut different sized black and white circles for eyes and a little yellow beak for each of these guys, and glued them on one side of each soon-to-be owl, to make a sweet little face. I embroidered around each eye as well as the beak, just to give them some definition.
After that, (inside -out) I machine-stitched the front to the back of each owl, leaving about 3 inches open at the bottom. I turned them inside-right and ironed them flat (on the back side). I filled each owl with about 1- 1/2 cups of long grain rice and hand-sewed the opening shut. Voila`! Three sweet little beanbag owls!