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Updated: Oct 20, 2024

There is a saying in Montana that our state is comprised of nine months of winter and three months of Company. That is not much of an exaggeration! We had snow (documented on m Facebook Page) on May 24th. Granted, it did not stick to the ground for very long, and granted, it was barely freezing that evening, but still...we had plenty of snow in May!

We also had plenty of company in May! And three birthdays...and Mother's Day...and a college graduation...and two high school concerts...and a Cinco de Mayo party...Whew! It was a busy month!

We actually have had 6 sets of company from May 2nd to yesterday, June 14th. We have one more weekend of company coming this month, and then I think we are actually done with scheduled house guests. In fact, in July, we may actually be house guests somewhere ourselves!

Having house guests is like a working vacation. You bust your buns to get your house clean, the guest room ready, the yardwork done, the meal planning and grocery list and shopping done. You try to anticipate everything that might happen and everything you should have on hand and every activity to keep each contingent of people entertained:

-What are the guys going to do?

-Did we make tee times?

-Are we going to barbeque?

-Do I have enough Adult Beverages?

-Do I have enough children's beverages?

-Do I have enough entertainment planned for kiddos if it is raining?

-What if it is hot out?...or too hot out?

-Do I have food that the vegetarians can eat?

-Will Mom be able to join us in that activity?

-What are good movies for family movie nights? I have enough popcorn?

-What snacks can I give the little one who cannot eat dairy products?

-Can I fit in a craft that we girls can do?

-What time does Farmer's Market begin and end?

-Is there an estate sale of a garage sale we can go to this weekend?

-Is the Ice cream shop in town open?

-Do I need to change any appointments during the time the company will be here?

The list goes on and on....

Then they arrive! Everyone is so happy to see each other! We give and get lots of hugs. We have so much to tell each other! And, if I did my job right, I do not have any work beyond meal preparation and clean-up. I can talk and play and go, go, go with the rest and best of them.

(Almost) all too soon, the time is over and done. Everyone packs up their cars and hugs all around and they are gone and the house is both blissfully quiet and sadly empty of the sounds of the voices we love so much.


Try not to fret too much. Remember that you must be very wonderful if so many people want to come stay at your house. And keep in mind, always, that people grow up and move away and their visits will eventually get further and further apart. They could move to Louisville or Chattanooga or (gasp!) Boston!....and worst case scenario of all....Greece!!!

Enjoy every minute of every visit.

Come October, the snow will be heading our way, and the company will not!

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Jun 19, 2024

I love how you put these wonderful happenings into words - so much work and then so much fun and then, 😅 sometimes so much recovery.


Jun 16, 2024

Actually, the snow might be heading your! Lol

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