It is a sad, but true fact that ever since I hit 50, I have slowly and systematically been forced to give up all my favorite things...let me just list the Big Ones for you:
-- Partying (aka Drinking More Than I Should With Friends)
-- Backpacking and Hiking in the Mountains
-- Sex
-- Camping in Tents, then in Trailers, then in get the idea...
-- Snowboarding and Cross Country Skiing
-- Outdoor Concerts
-- Long Drives into the Back Country on Dirt Roads
-- Travel that Requires Flying
-- Overnight Road Trips
-- Week-long Company Visits
-- Big Get-togethers and Dinners at Our House
Those are the Big Things....there are a myriad of smaller things, I assure you.
So...a few years back, when my doctor informed me I had high blood pressure and was going to have to be on medication to control it, most likely for the remainder of my life, I was distraught. I remember coming home and telling Larry that if she even hinted that I would have to give up caffeine (MY ONE LAST FAVORITE THING!), I would look for a different doctor - period. But the dear woman never even hinted that I should consider such a travesty. The blood pressure medication did it's Thing. And I still get my lovely coffee --at least two big cups every morning, with lots of Hazelnut Creamer!

There is just nothing that sends a wave of happiness into my very being like walking into a coffee shop and getting a hit of that smell like no other.
The only thing better is a good Margarita Bar...sigh...