I have not written a blog since mid-June! Frankly, I was surprised that I had kept things together enough to post something that far into the summer! I reread the blog I wrote, titled "Company", and was astonished at how much I had accomplished in the month of May and half of June! ...and life just got busier after that! Here is a quick synopsis of what I have been up to, beginning May 1.....
my niece and family came to visit the first weekend of May
we celebrated my husband's 79th birthday at our kids' house in Missoula on the 7th
our grandson, Alex, graduated from college on the 11th, and we had a great party
I took Mom out to brunch for Mother's Day on the 12th
We went to our youngest grandson, Michael's concert in Missoula on the 15th
On May 16, I took a roadtrip to Conrad, MT, to see my niece and family
On May 18, we went to another of Michael's concerts in Missoula
...and then celebrated my daughter, Mishel's birthday
the next weekend, Memorial Day, my niece and family came to visit again!
my girlfriend from India, and her husband, came to visit the first week of June
because we were so busy in May, my daughter took me to lunch and a pedi, June 22
my stepdaughter came to visit the final weekend of June and got to meet my sister and niece (finally) and bond with my great nieces and nephew
...and we all got to shop our hearts out on the 50 mile yard sale!
I watered plants twice in Missoula, for my daughter, while she and her family were in Greece for a month (lucky people!)
We traveled to Tri-Cities the end of July. We toured the B Reactor, golfed, went to Art in the Park, spent a day thrift shopping in Yakima, and went to Deadpool and Wolverine
back home, we attended a private outdoor concert on August 2, enjoying the music of Dave Stamey
grandson Alex, came to stay that weekend, and golf with grandpa
Larry and I took a short roadtrip into the mountains to check on Lost Horse Creek
my sister, niece and family came to visit and we spent a great day at Lost Horse Creek, having a late picnic lunch at GG's house afterwards
that same weekend, my brother-in-law, Kenny, sanded and painted our deck! (I did the trim). He also tackled a few other small project around the property
August 12, Mishel treated granddaughter Elly, GG and I to lunch at our favorite riverside restaurant in Missoula
that weekend, our Elly came for shopping, sewing, and long chats
August 17, Michael came to stay and helped me with yardwork here and at GG's
August 22, our kids Dan and Michelle from Tri-Cities, came to visit
August 23, we had a terrible windstorm come through, blow down one of our huge pine trees, and knock out electricity for 24 hours
So...that evening, we had a great porch party, to candlelight
August 30, Larry's sisters came to visit and we had dinner at our favorite steak house
Labor Day, my niece and family came to visit again (we LOVE the babies!)
my brother, Jon, and wife, came to stay that whole week with mom
that week, the forest fires finally began in earnest, and the smoke got thick
September 16, Larry had facial surgery
right about that time, mom got a bad flu bug and chest congestion and I spent a couple of nights with her. It took her a month to recuperate...I spent a lot of time with her, needless to say...
September 21, after 8 different appointments, I finally got 6 lower crowns finished!
the following weekend, Alex came to visit again
the final weekend of September was Salsa Weekend. Mishel came to help one day. In 3 days, I put up 120 pints of green and red salsa, and 12 quarts of Chile Verde
we lost power, again for 24 hours, October 5, but spent the day in Missoula and got to see the kids for lunch (a nice silver lining, there!)
and last weekend, my sister and niece came to visit one last time before the nasty weather sets in. We spent many hours shopping the My Kids Closet bi-annual sale
If anybody has ever given you the impression that retirement is the time in life where you slow down, smell the roses, and sit on your porch and read all afternoon every day....well, at least in my experience, that is not the case!
There was a time when I could multi-task. It is hard now, for me to believe that I was able to accomplish all the things I did 10 years ago, when my schedule was like this and I was still working! Something had to give this summer, and that something was composing my blogs. It is Autumn now...snow will be here soon. The days will be darker and slower, and more time will be spent in front of the fire. And my blogs will be written and published regularly once more...
